Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Use of Triz Resources

Promax has a number of tools to help with Framing and Problem Definition one of which is called Resources. 

Resources are anything within the environment of the problem that isn’t being directly used. Resources are basically free or very low cost items that are readily available. A resource can be anything and is could be easily visible, hidden or even derived from something else.

The rationale for understanding what free resources are available is that they may be useful in solving your problem. After all, why invest in something when you already have it to hand.
It is important to undertake a Site/Location visit to identify resources. Unless you can walk through the problem area you might not see everything and you might miss things that are taken for granted. This cannot be done from a meeting room.

There are typically four things to consider:

Materials and Objects: Are there any unused physical components in the system such as walls, floors, etc.? Are there components that are there but simply not seen such as air, water and the actual properties of substances? (“hidden”). Or are there components where the property of it could be easily changed? (derived)

Energy: Is there energy in the system such as electrical, thermal and magnetic that is not being used? Is there energy from the environment such as light that is not being used?

Space and Time. Is there space that is not being used? Is there idle time in machinery, equipment, documentation and people?

Knowledge & Information. Is there knowledge and information that is available yet not currently used?

Promax has these prompts in the Resource window and you simply create a list of things that sit under each category. These form the record from which you can use later in the ideas generation stage to see if anything can be used to help create a solution for your problem. 

Resources are a tool from Triz.

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